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Step-by-Step Estate Planning

Wills and estate planning can be emotionally challenging, but it must be done. An experienced wills and estates lawyer will make sure it's done correctly. Here is a step-by-step plan for tackling your will, personal directive, and other wills and estate plan elements.

  1. Get your assets in a row. Find out what you have, including all accounts, real estate, investments and so on.
  2. Decide on heirs. Who you leave your assets to is entirely up to you. You may also choose to make bequests to organizations.
  3. Choose an attorney. Putting an Enduring Power of Attorney in place can give you peace of mind. Choose someone you trust to handle your financial affairs if you cannot do so.
  4. Select an agent. Take the burden of making your health care decisions off your family at an already stressful time by appointing an agent to act for you as per a personal directive or living will. Again, choose someone you trust to act as your agent.
  5. See your wills and estates lawyer. Your wills and estates lawyer will discuss your situation with you, point out any potential issues and help you find solutions that meet your personal needs. You may also want to see your accountant for tax planning advice before drawing up the actual documents.

Important: Personal Directives & Enduring Powers of Attorney

It would be best if you also prepared a personal directive and enduring power of attorney when you make your will.

A personal directive ensures that it is clear who should act for you and carry out your wishes for medical treatments in the event of an injury or illness.

An enduring power of attorney ensures that, should you become mentally incompetent, your family can access your accounts and manage your affairs and finances efficiently and responsibly.

Suppose you do not have a personal directive or enduring power of attorney in place, and you lose mental capacity in the future. In that case, a family member or friend may apply to the court for an order of guardianship and trusteeship. This is a costly and time-consuming procedure.

Why Prepare These Documents When You Write Your Will?

  • The cost to prepare these documents is minor compared to the costs and emotional stress if you don't have them.
  • It saves you from making another trip to your lawyer later.
  • Once they're done, you don't have to worry about doing them later.

We Make It Easy

Our online questionnaire includes sections for preparing your personal directive and enduring power of attorney so you can do everything at once and rest easy.

Wills and Estates Packages and Services

Planning for your family's future as well as the future of your assets is a responsible move that saves money and aggravation during difficult times. We have experienced wills and estates lawyers and can help with complete wills and estates packages to ensure you're prepared for any situation, as well as with individual services that meet your particular needs:

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Please note: we are unable to offer evening or weekend appointments.

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MerGen Law LLP is committed to answering your questions without all the confusing legal jargon.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
