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What Does an Entertainment Lawyer Do?

Posted by MerGen Law | Dec 19, 2022 | 0 Comments

The entertainment industry in Calgary, Alberta, is thriving and constantly evolving. With a dynamic and rapidly growing population, there are many opportunities for artists, musicians, actors, producers, and other professionals working in the entertainment sector. Therefore, alongside their thriving creative scene, there is also a pressing need for influential and talented entertainment lawyers. After all, the rights of artists and creators need to be protected.

Would you benefit from the knowledge and expertise of an entertainment lawyer in Calgary? Keep reading to learn more about what they do and how they can help artists and creators protect their rights in the entertainment field.


What is an entertainment lawyer?

An entertainment lawyer is a legal professional specializing in handling business and legal issues in the entertainment industry. They work with artists, musicians, actors, producers, studios, and other professionals to ensure that their rights are protected and that they receive fair compensation for their work.


What are the key responsibilities of an entertainment lawyer? 

Some of the critical responsibilities of an entertainment lawyer include the following:

Advising clients on issues related to contract negotiation and management

Advising clients on contract negotiation and management typically involves working with them to draft, review, and negotiate contracts related to the production of creative works. Examples may include arrangements for music licensing, book publishing deals, film and television distribution agreements, copyright assignments, and other contractual matters.

Intellectual property rights

An essential responsibility of an entertainment lawyer is advising clients on issues related to intellectual property rights. Examples include helping clients secure copyrights and trademarks for their creative works and handling disputes over the misuse of protected works or ideas.

Copyright and trademark law

An entertainment lawyer advises clients on copyright and trademark law issues, including helping them secure legal protection for their creative works and defending against unauthorized use or misuse of copyrighted materials. Examples may involve working with clients to draft and file the necessary paperwork and navigating disputes over intellectual property rights in court if needed.

Legal disputes

An entertainment lawyer advises clients on legal disputes in the entertainment industry. They can help them navigate disagreements over copyright or trademark infringement and work with them to resolve other complex legal issues related to their creative works. Some ways involve negotiating settlements, representing clients in court, or providing strategic guidance on protecting their rights and interests.

Entertainment lawyers may also help clients with business planning, marketing and promotion strategies, and tax filing requirements.


Do entertainment lawyers go to court?

Entertainment lawyers sometimes go to court to represent their clients or resolve legal disputes. Some ways include appearing in front of judges and juries to present evidence and arguments and negotiating with opposing counsel. Due to the high stakes involved in these cases, entertainment lawyers need to be skilled communicators and negotiators.


How do entertainment lawyers help protect the rights of artists and creators?

Entertainment lawyers work closely with artists and other industry professionals to protect and respect their rights. Examples may involve:

  • Negotiating contracts.
  • Drafting legal documents.
  • Dealing with copyright and trademark issues.
  • Handling disputes.
  • Representing clients in legal proceedings.


What skills or qualifications should an entertainment lawyer have?

Entertainment lawyers should have strong analytical and communication skills and a deep understanding of the legal principles that govern the media and entertainment industries. In addition, they should hold a law degree from an accredited university or college, along with relevant work experience in the legal field.

Some candidates may also have experience working in the entertainment industry or have taken specialized media and entertainment law courses. This knowledge gives them an added edge as they will already know how things work in the industry.


How much can you expect to pay for an entertainment lawyer?

The cost of hiring an entertainment lawyer will depend on various factors, including the lawyer's experience and qualifications, the type and complexity of legal matters, and any additional services or fees associated with your case. Depending on your legal needs, you can generally expect to pay anywhere from several hundred to thousands of dollars per hour. However, shopping around and comparing different options is always essential to find a lawyer that fits your budget and meets your needs.

Whether you are an artist, musician, actor, or producer in Calgary, Alberta, an experienced entertainment lawyer can help ensure that you protect and defend your rights effectively.


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